I zip about in water.
Single celled.
Dying to myself.
Something new. A multi-celled creature.
Still in water. Changing, living, reproducing, dying.
Once again.
Amphibian, partially on land partly in the water.
Wet skinned, chirping.
Living, reproducing and dying.
Fascinated by my exoskeleton, shiny wings, mullioned eyes.
Alternating between predator and prey.
Living, reproducing, dying.
A spider’s eight legs and web skills.
Waiting with terrible patience for food to come, for a mate to come.
To eat both.
Plants, trees, rocks, sky.
All a part of me.
Always me.
Always feeling, communicating, living, reproducing, dying.
Life is exciting.
Life is good.
The simplest things are the most harmonious, best, fun.
Trees taking a stand, becoming home to insects, spiders, epiphytes, moulds, producing flowers, inviting exploration, producing fruit.
Being beautiful, strong, peaceful.
Exchanging gasses as we breathe.
Cleaning the air.
All is in balance.
Reptiles, mammals, quadrupeds, birds, bipeds.
Living and dying in each one.
Evolving experiencing.
Changing the environment.
Being part of the environment.
Time is meaningless.
I am the clock.
All time happens simultaneously.
Past present and future in one.
I see where we’ve come from.
I see where we’re going.
I see what we are doing.
I feel what we want.
Everything exists.
Everything is.