The Universe is consciousness. It is aware and complete. Everything is life. From the stars that burn so brightly, the planets and the life on those planets and planetoids and moons. Comets buzz by like insects. The planets spin in their orbits, protected by a heliosphere. Our sun averages 828,000kms/hr as it zips around the galaxy. And it takes 230 million earth years for earth to experience one galactic solar year. Our spinning galaxy is surrounded by superheated dust and gas, and in the middle of the galaxy more dust and gas from which new stars form, and from them, planetary bodies and their moons are born. Scientists say that in centre of the Milky Way is a black hole that sucks in everything within reach. (Space)

Our home orbits around the sun at approximately 108,000kms per hour and spins at 1,670 kms/hr. (NASA)

Imagine, if you will, a planet. Formed by accretion over 4.5 billion years ago, being bombarded and shaped by large objects. Having a spinning, melted iron core, creating an atmosphere. Having no life but your own. A baby cradled in a heliosphere. Its’ siblings forming at differing rates. Some are gas giants, some have rings of ice. But few have water on the surface and only you have life abundantly. During these 4.5 billion years, dominant species have come and gone. The crust has changed, the continents drifted, mountains rose, rivers gouged. What we see in the 21st century, is a modicum of what existed. Looking around us now, at the complex eco systems that abound, we can lose sight of the fact that the ever changing landscape and atmosphere also affected previous life forms. There must have been thousands of species of dinosaur, the variety and richness of which we cannot comprehend because the evidence of their existence has not been discovered. Many other creatures that have existed and have been reclaimed in environmental cataclysms, rebooted in the rebirth as new and perhaps improved. Putting an anthropomorphic spin on things. Imagine being a planet, with a consciousness that decides what to grow, what to destroy, how it wishes to appear. How to react to outside forces. Imagine if that planet was Earth. See the formation of the crust, the continents drifting, joining, colliding, separating, constantly moving. The life that grows and continues to change and become other things. Things like us. Nothing is forever, everything is transitory and every story has a beginning, a middle and an end.