Terry and I started a business while we were still in college. I was the science/tech guy, he was the big ideas man, the one with all the natural business clout and salesmanship. He would never take no for an answer and always got what he wanted by using what I called his ‘charm offensive.’ Though there was nothing offensive about Terry, he was an all round nice guy. If his friends and family were ever in need, Terry was there to lend a hand, give support or money. Nothing was ever too much trouble.
Terry bought me out of the partnership a when we were both 24, not because of any disagreement. As young people, we needed to stretch our wings and follow other paths. I took a year’s sabbatical, toured the world and on returning, met Michelle who, after another year, became my wife. Work wise, I was happier being in the background, being the tech guy for other innovators. Terry was happier being number one in his own business, without having to ask me or anyone else what he could or could not do. He assembled a group of experimental scientists, became mentor to them, inspired them. I suppose that’s how legends begin. By the time he was 26, he’d reached cult status. Terry had followers on social media, people came out of his past clinging to his coattails, as though he should hand out favours. He never did. Terry once said that he didn’t know who to trust. I thought at the time, he was being paranoid.
A couple of years ago, Terry was nominated bachelor of the year in a men’s magazine. He had no problem finding love, it was simply a problem balancing work and long term relationships as business was his number one priority. The higher up the ladder he climbed, the harder it was for us to find time to meet over dinner or drinks.
Eight months ago, Michelle and I were invited to his engagement party. We were shocked at the speed and secrecy that surrounded the announcement. He never mentioned that he’d been dating, although Terry and I communicated daily, via phone and email and there had been nothing in the media about Terry and his new love, Donna. Michelle tried to find gossip about Donna, any news or social media feeds, but there were none. In the following days, without Terry’s knowledge, I paid a private detective to make enquiries. She turned up everyday details, such as birth date, parentage, voting registration, college graduation. Donna’s past was immaculate.
The engagement party was a glittering affair. Anyone who’s anyone was there. Michelle and I didn’t get a chance to speak to the happy couple. Too many speeches, too many invitees amid tight security.
In the spirit of getting to know his fiancée, Michelle and I invited Terry and Donna to our place for a barbecue. Donna was beautiful but cold.
When they’d left, Michelle later said, "She’s had too much Botox. I don’t trust that woman. ”
“Because of the Botox?”
“No, silly! She gives one word answers for questions and...”
“Terry likes her. Isn’t that what matters?”
“Mm. But I don’t think he’s in love with her.”
“How do you know?”
“It was obvious. Did he say where they met?”
“At work. Apparently, her hobbies include hiking, mountaineering, geology. Did you know she’s a philosophy major? All the things Terry has no interest in.”
“Outdoorsy and philosophy? Imagine Terry...I tried hard not to laugh when he said...”
“Donna completes me.” We said together and laughed.
The intimate wedding was held at Terry’s country property. They were about to read the vows when a woman who was later described as an ex-girlfriend, burst into the garden and ran wildly towards Terry yelling some obscenities that sounded like threats. Security stepped in and dragged her away and we never saw her again. When everyone had settled down, the ceremony continued without further disruption. The ensuing photographic session was brief, the dinner was molecular gastronomy and when it was over, the newlyweds left on their honeymoon.
Terry and Donna took a friend’s jet and spent a week on a privately owned Caribbean island, but due to engine trouble they had to fly commercially on the way back. They were about to board their flight, when Donna failed to pass the metal detector test. They were eye to eye with a particularly nasty customs agent who insisted on holding them back. Terry tried, but no amount of palm greasing or charms could secure Donna's release. The couple were taken to separate rooms where they’re questioned and it later transpired, she’d endured the humiliation of an extensive physical examination. Terry and Donna’s Louis Vuitton luggage was torn to pieces. After several hours, the customs agents could find nothing amiss and sent Terry and Donna on their way.
Years later, Terry is in retirement and the couple are reclusive. There are rumours that can be traced back to those who were witness to Donna’s physical examination. These I can neither confirm or deny.
They say that Donna is an android.